Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reflection on Lecture Ten- Environmental awareness

Environmental awareness, the most important aspect of environmental sustainability. I have never identified anything which is the most important in sustainability so far in all the previous reflections. Promoting awareness and education are the most useful and essential in order to obtain a more sustainable approach to preserve our environment. From the beginning of this module, we have defined sustainability as the capacity to endure. In ecology terms, it is how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. On the other hand for us humans, it is the potential for long-term maintenance of wellbeing, which in turn depends on the wellbeing of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources. There is just so much the ecology can do to preserve the environment. As such, it is really up to the human beings to decide how and what they want to do. The actions will reflect whether we are considering, or are intending to consider for the environment. Afterall, what we do is going to affect the place we are living in, and ultimately ourselves.
In order for people to start out in their role of sustaining the environment, we must first understand the meaning and reason behind this action. We have to understand what exactly the place we are living in is and what is it going through. Is the environment getting better or is it deteriorating?  If people do not have an idea of the environment, how do we do what to do and how to go about doing it? Hence, environmental awareness is a need. We cannot begin with sustainability without first having awareness. Perhaps, this is what the world is lacking. The few people who are aware and have a good understanding of the current status of the environment focus largely on coming up with big projects to fight the problems with only their own efforts. These people might think that it takes indefinite amount of effort and time to educate and create awareness. This is a wrong conception. The act of sustainability by only a few groups of people will require even more monetary, physical, and mental efforts in the long run. It is draining and ineffective. On the other hand, when every individual is aware of their role in sustainability, everybody just needs to contribute a little and this will in fact bring significant results. The world has billions of people. The results of each and everyone contributing to sustainability should be obvious. But why are countries not education its people?
As mentioned in reflection six and seven, the world is too engross in development. Many countries adopt the pragmatic approach in managing its region. Anything that do not bring about immediate or almost immediate economic rewards are deem as unnecessary or something unimportant. Even when the leaders are aware of the benefits of those intangible aspects in the long run, most of them are still more concern of securing their political status. Other than the leaders, I can say that most people are mainly attracted to instant rewards and benefits.
It is only till recent years when hazards and destruction are obvious and frequent that people begin to grow concerns over environmental issues. Even so, many still do not know how to go about doing it. With political pressure, authorities of countries are somewhat “forced” to take on the responsibility in creating awareness regarding the environment; what is it and what are the problems it is facing. Singapore (which has always been rather supportive of pragmatism) is coming up with measure to notify its people about the importance of preservation. Symbolic institutions are given incentives to educate about geography. Shopping places are encouraged to be more energy efficient such as increasing the temperature of air-conditioners and using energy-savings electrical appliances. All the efforts to reduce carbon footprint first according to institutions and groups, and hopefully from here, it will encourage and promote the idea of sustainability to each and everyone in the region. Singapore is just one of the examples. Other high energy consumption countries are also stepping up to protect the environment. The major institutions in Australia are even doing better than that of Singapore in terms of promoting sustainability. The responses from there are more overwhelming as well. The government has invested more funds to encourage its people to participate in sustainability. Furthermore, students in University of California Santa Barbara are required to take modules relating to the environment.
It is very gratified to know that at least more people has begun to take actions, be it small or big to save our environment.

Update: I just went to search on facebook is happy to see a few environmental facebook groups like

"Support, Protect and Love Planet Earth. Join and Invite to show your support!"


"Save the Planet".

This goes to show an increasing awareness for the Earth and the environment. Hope to see more people joining such groups!

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